Longtail Aviation Ltd.

#6 Southside Road, Saint George, Bermuda, DD 03
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Long­tail Avi­a­tion is Be­mu­da's on­ly ex­ec­u­tive air­line pro­vid­ing best-​in-​class pri­vate jet char­ter ser­vice to a wide va­ri­ety of busi­ness and leisure cus­tomers. We de­liv­er a pre­mi­um ser­vice to vir­tu­al­ly any des­ti­na­tion world­wide with seam­less end-​to-​end trans­porta­tion so­lu­tions. Pro­vid­ing at­ten­tion to de­tail and dis­cre­tion, we aim to ex­ceed the ex­pec­ta­tions of our most de­mand­ing clients.

Long­tail Avi­a­tion was formed in Au­gust 1999 with the pur­pose of pro­vid­ing Bermu­da with an ex­ec­u­tive air­craft char­ter ser­vice to meet the de­mand­ing needs of Bermu­da's grow­ing in­ter­na­tion­al and pri­vate busi­ness com­mu­ni­ty. Be­ing the first and on­ly ex­ec­u­tive char­ter air­craft op­er­a­tor based in Bermu­da, Long­tail Avi­a­tion has set the stan­dard for ser­vice and con­ve­nience.

Based at Bermu­da's L.F. Wade In­ter­na­tion­al Air­port, Long­tail Avi­a­tion's “state of the art” hangar fa­cil­i­ties pro­vide the per­fect base of op­er­a­tions, per­mit­ting our ground and flight crews to op­er­ate our air­craft with the max­i­mum safe­ty and re­li­a­bil­i­ty. Our Bermu­da reg­is­tered air­craft op­er­ate un­der Bermu­da De­part­ment of Civ­il Avi­a­tion cer­i­fi­ca­tion.