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Indulge in Restaurant Weeks at Blu! From January 16 - February 16, 2025, treat yourself to an exclusive four-course menu inspired by Bermuda’s finest flavors. Experience a memorable evening of delicious cuisine and warm hospitality.   Click here to view menu <<   Reserve your table today by giving Blu a call you won’t want to miss it!

by Yabsta
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17 results found in Bermuda for hotel restaurants
Welcome to Quickie Lickie Group of Laundries, an independent family business with approximately, a residential & commercial laundry with the money card or quick card available now in store. The laundry & laundrette are fitted with...

74 Serpentine Rd, Pembroke Parish, Bermuda, HM 08

The elegant Royal Palms Hotel, situated on a tree-lined lane near Hamilton, offers the best of Bermudian hospitality. This quintessential boutique hotel boasts a blend of Colonial and Bermudian architecture in a tranquil garden setting...

24 Rosemont Ave., Pembroke Parish, Bermuda, HM 06

St. George's Club

6 Rose Hill, Saint George, Bermuda, GE 05

Coco Reef Resort

South Shore Rd., Paget Parish, Bermuda, PG 06

Wade's Garden Inn

2 Hampton Head Court, Southampton Parish, Bermuda, SN 04

Nearly a century ago, Cambridge Beaches originated as the first cottage-style lodging in Bermuda. The spacious property is located on a slender, exclusive peninsula that is encircled by sparkling bay and ocean waves. The peninsula has been...

30 Kings Point Rd., Somerset, Bermuda, MA 02


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You can't beat these Bermuda breakfast spots! 
by ChelseO
All the currency info you need while in Bermuda.
Privateer Trading Ltd.

Suite 1559, 48 Par-la-Ville Rd., City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 11

International Imports Ltd.

Par-la-Ville Rd., City of Hamilton, Bermuda, HM 11

Ocean Terrace Guest House

2 Scenic Heights Ln., Southampton Parish, Bermuda, SN 03

Little Pomander Guest House

16 Pomander Rd., Paget Parish, Bermuda, PG 05

Cambridge Beaches is delightfully private and the atmosphere casually...


by Yabsta

An ingenious combination of resort hotel and cottage colony, Elbow Beach...


by Yabsta

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