Make sure your mail gets to its destination. Our handy list gives you easy access to all Bermuda postal codes, find your street address and get the code.
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Friday, February 14, 2025 at 5:20 pm
Sunrise: | 07:03 |
Sunset: | 18:04 |
Today's High: | 71° |
Today's Low | 55° |
Humidity: | 94% |
Wind: | From North at 17 Knots |
Wind Gusts: | 22 Knots |
The current local time is 5:20 pm. The sunrise this morning was at 07:03 and sets at 18:04 this evening. Currently it is Cloudy with temperature of 61°. Today's high is 71°, with a low of 55°. The current humidity is at 94%. The winds are from the North at 17 knots, with gusts to 22.
Make sure your mail gets to its destination. Our handy list gives you easy access to all Bermuda postal codes, find your street address and get the code.