In 2017 the 37th America’s Cup will call Dockyard home
In 2017 the 37th America’s Cup will call Dockyard home
Public Holidays for 2016 and 2017
The 2016 World Rugby Classic will feature teams from Argentina, British Isles, Canada, France, Italy, New Zealand, South Africa and the United States
The Argo Group Gold Cup is a competition involving one-design yachts
The Newport-Bermuda Race is sailed almost entirely out of sight of land
May 24th – Bermuda’s Celebratory Start of Summer
2017 Marion to Bermuda Cruising Yacht Race To Coincide With America’s Cup
The biggest charity fundraiser in Bermuda
Easter is a very special time of the year in Bermuda
Make sure your mail gets to its destination. Our handy list gives you easy access to all Bermuda postal codes, find your street address and get the code.
Find information for all Bermuda Bus Service routes, schedules, route maps, fares and popular destinations.
Thinking of moving to Bermuda to work? Read our Guide to get the inside scoop.